Monday, March 27, 2006

American liberals bitch and moan

To all of you on here bitching about how offensive the cartoons are I have one thing to say to you...........too fucking bad.......You guys know what I find offensive?Muslims terrorists hijacking American planes and flying them into buldings.Muslims kidnapping reporters and civilians and killing them on videotape.Muslim governments supporting terrorists.I know that not every Muslim is a terrorist but the ones who aren't don't exactly condemn the ones who are. So they can go fuck themselves too.It seems like everywhere Muslims go there's a radical minority of them that have to cause trouble. Wether it's the hate speech being expressed in Britian, the civil unrest and disrespect for traditional culture in France or the terrorists attacks in Spain and America.I as a westerner am tolerant. You want to practice Islam and worship allah? Fine. Just do it peacefully without conducting terrorism or looking the other way when others conduct terrorism in the name of Islam.However if you want to fuck with the USA you better believe we're gonna fuck with you back. Another thing..........I am so fucking tired of hearing American liberals bitch and moan about Abu Gharib, Guantanamo, and torture. I say if some Al Queda douchebag has even the slightest bit of information that can save American lives we should make him sit in a cell in Gauntanamo while he watches American soldiers wipe thier asses with pages from the Qaran and we torture him until he gives up the information or we kill him trying.


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