Friday, March 31, 2006

Islam is a lie

Based upon a text written by Dr. Robert Morey edited by MF Blume

Where Did Allah Come From?
Muslims worship a god by the name of Allah. They also give him ninety-nine other names.
The question that naturally arises is who or what is this Allah?
Where did the Muslims derive their ideas of Allah's nature and attributes?
Historical Source of Islam
Historians, linguists, and archeologists have dug into this question for over a century. Various archeological digs in Arabia and throughout the Middle East have uncovered the answer: Islam is a modern version of the ancient fertility religion of the moon god. Once this is grasped, the rise and history of Islam becomes clear.
The Arab conquests were made possible because the central powers in the Middle East had exhausted themselves in wars against each other. They were not able to fight off wave after wave of Arab armies which subdued entire nations with merciless slaughter, rape and plunder.
Conquering Armies
The Arabs destroyed some of the wonders of the ancient world such as the world famous library in Alexandria, Egypt, They destroyed many ancient churches and synagogues. Anthropologists have recorded how the Arabs destroyed the cultural heritage of any nation which fell under their sword.
Who were these Arabs? They obviously were not Christians because they destroyed churches and murdered priests wherever they went. Obviously, they were not Jews because they persecuted Jews without pity. This is seen today in their hatred of Israel and the many wars and acts of terrorism waged against Jews throughout the world.
If the Arab hordes which swept over the ancient world were not Christians or Jews, then what were they? They were pagans who worshipped a pagan god called Allah and followed pagan rites which were practiced in Arabia long before the religion of Islam evolved.
Islam Denies God
These facts of history reveal that Islam does not worship the same God worshipped by Christians. Why?
Christians worship one God and Muslims worship a different deity called Allah, who did not robe himself in flesh and come to earth to die for us. He has no son, begotton or otherwise.
Since the religion found in the Bible teaches that God is The Creator, the savior and the comforter it does not take a Ph.D. to see that Islam did not come from the Bible. Thus it is not the religion of the biblical prophets, apostles or Jesus.
Pagan Origins
Similar to the origins of other false doctrines, Islam's origins have been traced back by scholars to the ancient fertility religion of the worship of the moon god which was always the dominant religion of Arabia. The moon god was worshipped by praying toward Mecca several times a day, making an annual pilgrimage to the Kabah which was a temple of the moon god, running around the Kabah seven times, caressing an idol of a black stone set in the wall of the Kabah, running between two hills, making animal sacrifices, gathering on Fridays for prayers, giving alms to the poor, etc.. These were pagan rites practiced by the Arabs long before Muhammad was born.
Some Muslims may point to the so-called Christian feasts of Christmas and Easter being pagan in origins. I agree. They are pagan in origin! That is the reason I teach people to not indulge in Christmas and Easter as a form of worship to God, because the New Testament teaches that we are not to observe any holy days, or months or years (Gal. 4:10-11). Keeping Christmas and Easter as a non-religious time of gift-giving is okay. But we do not worship God with it.
The Crescent Moon
What religion today practices the pagan rites of the moon god?
This explains why the crescent moon is the symbol of Islam. It is placed on top of mosques and minarets and displayed on hats, flags, rugs, amulets and even jewelry. Every time you see the Muslim symbol of a crescent moon, you are seeing the ancient symbol of the moon god.
Denial Not a Refuge
Does the average Muslim know that he is worshipping a moon god?
Does he know why the crescent moon symbol sits on top of his mosque?
Is he shocked and perhaps angered at these facts of history?
But can mere denial or angry threats refute the fact that Islam is nothing more than a modern version of the ancient religion of the moon god Allah?
The average Muslim has been kept in the dark by the Mullahs and Imams who would lose their power if the truth ever got out.
Common Logical Fallacies Made By Muslims
Christians must be prepared to answer the typical objections made against the Gospel. Most of the objections are based on simple logical fallacies. The following is a list of some of the most common fallacies used by Muslims.
Note: The average Muslim does not know that his arguments are logically erroneous. He is sincere in his beliefs. Thus you must be patient and kind in sharing with him why his arguments are invalid.
1. The Fallacy of False Assumptions: In logic as well as in law, "historical precedent" means that the burden of proof rests on those who set forth new theories and not on those whose ideas have already been verified. The old tests the new. The already established authority judges any new claims to authority.
Since Islam came along many centuries after Christianity, Islam has the burden of proof and not Christianity. The Bible tests and judges the Qur'an. When the Bible and The Qur'an contradict each other, the Bible must logically be given first place as the older authority. The Qur'an is in error until it proves itself.
Some Muslims violate the principle of historical precedent by asserting that Islam does not have the burden of proof and that the Qur'an judges the Bible.
2. Arguing in a circle: If you have already assumed in your premise what you are going to state in your conclusion, then you have ended where you began and proven nothing.
If you end where you began, you got nowhere.
#1 Proving Allah by the Qur'an and then proving the Qur'an by Allah.
#2 Proving Muhammad by the Qur'an and then proving the Qur'an by Muhammad.
#3 Proving Islam by the Qur'an and then proving the Qur'an by Islam.
3. False Analogy: Comparing two things as if they are parallel when they are not really the same at all.
#1 Many Muslims erroneously assume that Muslims and Christians share the same concepts of God, revelation, inspiration, textual preservation, the Bible, prophethood, biblical history, conversion, etc...
#2 Because a false analogy is drawn between Islam and Christianity, some Muslims think that any argument which refutes the Qur'an will likewise refute the Bible; any argument which refutes Muhammad will also refute Jesus Christ, etc...
#3 For example, many Muslims claim that Muhammad and all prophets were sinless. They even deny that Abraham was an idol worshipper. Thus when a Christian points out all the wicked things that Muhammad did (mass murder, child abuse, lying, etc.), the Muslims will say, "If you are right, then you must also reject your biblical prophets for doing wicked things as well."
What he is really saying is, "If you reject my prophet, then you must reject your prophets as well. If Muhammad was a false prophet, then your prophets are false as well."
The root problem is that the Muslim concept of prophethood is not the same as the Christian concept of prophethood. We teach that prophets sin like anyone else. Thus while Islam is refuted by the sins of Muhammad, Christianity is not jeopardized at all. The Muslim is guilty of setting up a "false analogy."
Whenever a Muslim responds to a Christian attack on the Qur'an, Muhammad, or Allah by flipping the argument around and applying it to the Bible, Jesus or the Godhead as if Islam and Christianity either stand or fall together, he is guilty of the fallacy of false analogy. Islam can be false and Christianity be true at the same time.
4. The Fallacy of Irrelevance: When you introduce issues which have no logical bearing on the subject under discussion, you are using irrelevant arguments.
#1 Some Muslims argue, "The Qur'an is the Word of God because the text of the Qur'an has been preserved perfectly." This argument is erroneous for two reasons:
a. Factually, the text of the Qur'an has not been preserved perfectly. The text has additions, deletions, conflicting manuscripts, and variant readings like any other ancient writing.
b. Logically, it is irrelevant whether the text of the Qur'an has been preserved because preservation does not logically imply inspiration. A book can be perfectly copied without implying its inspiration.
#2 When Muslims attack the character and motives of anyone who criticizes Islam, they are using irrelevant arguments. The character of someone is no indication of whether he is telling you the truth. Good people can lie and evil people can tell the truth. Thus whenever a Muslim uses slurs such as "mean," "dishonest," "racist," "liar," "deceptive," etc., he is not only committing a logical fallacy but also revealing that he cannot intellectually defend his beliefs.
#3 When confronted with the pagan origins of the Qur'an, some Muslims defend the Qur'an by answering, "So what! Didn't you Christians get Christmas from the pagans?"
This argument is erroneous for several reasons.
a. It is a false analogy to parallel the pagan origins of the rites commanded in the Qur'an with the present day holidays nowhere commanded in the Bible. What some modern day Christians do on Dec. 25th has no logical bearing on what the Qur'an commands Muslims to do (eg. the Pilgrimage, the Fast, etc.).
b. It is irrelevant that some Christians choose to celebrate the birth of Christ. Since the Bible nowhere commands it, it is a matter of personal freedom. But Muslims are commanded in the Qur'an to believe and practice many things which came from the paganism of that day.
c. The Muslim by using this argument is actually admitting that the Qur'an was not "sent down" but fabricated from pagan sources. This means he has become an unbeliever (Surah 25:4-6).
#4 Some Muslims argue that the Qur'an is the Word of God because it contains some historically or scientifically accurate statements. This argument is irrelevant. Just because a book is correct on some historical or scientific point does not mean it is inspired. You cannot take the attributes of a part and apply it to the whole. A book can be a mixture of true and false statements. Thus it is a logical fallacy to argue that the entire Qur'an is true if it makes one true statement.
When a Muslim argues that history or science "proves" the Qur'an, this actually means that he is acknowledging that history and science can likewise refute the Qur'an. If the Qur'an contains just one historical error or one scientific error, then the Qur'an is not the Word of God. Verification and falsification go hand in hand.
#5 The present meaning of a word is irrelevant to what it meant in ancient times. The word "Allah" is a good example. When confronted by the historical evidence that the word was used by pagan Arabs in pre-Islamic times to refer to a high god who was married to the sun-goddess and had three daughters, some Muslims will quote dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. to prove (sic) that "Allah means God." They are thus using modern definitions to define what the word meant over a thousand years ago! What "Allah" means now has no bearing on what it meant before Muhammad.
5. The Fallacy of Equivocation: If we assume that everyone has the same definition of such words as God, Jesus, revelation, inspiration, prophet, miracle, etc., we are committing a very simple logical fallacy.
#1 When a Muslim says, "Christians and Muslims worship the same God," he is committing the fallacy of equivocation. Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God.
#2 When a Muslim says, "We believe in Jesus too," he is committing the fallacy of equivocation. The "Jesus" of the Qur'an is not the Jesus of the Bible. Islam preaches "another Jesus" (II Cor. 11:4).
The Jesus of the Bible is the Son of God, God incarnate, who died on the cross for our sins. But the "Jesus" of the Qur'an is not the Son of God and he did not die on the cross for our sins. Thus it is erroneous for Muslims to tell Christians that they believe in Jesus, too.
#3 When a Muslim assumes that Christians have the same concept of revelation as Muslims, he is guilty of the fallacy of equivocation. According to Islam, the Qur'an was written in heaven by Allah and has no earthly sources. When we prove that it comes from earthly sources, this threatens the inspiration of the Qur'an.
On the other hand, the Bible does not claim that it dropped out of heaven one day. It openly quotes from earthly sources. It uses pre-existing sources without any difficulty whatsoever, Thus while the Qur'an is threatened by historical sources, the Bible is actually confirmed by them.
#4 When a Muslim tells you that the word "Allah" has only one meaning: "the one, true, universal God," he is assuming a fallacy. The word "allah" has many different meanings.
a. It can be used as a generic term like the English word "God." Thus it can be applied to any god or goddess regardless if a true or false god is in view. (ex. The "Allahs" of Hinduism.)
b. The Nation of Islam uses it to refer to Wallace Dodd Ford, Elijah Muhammad, and Louis Farrakhan as "Allah" and teaches that all black people are "Allahs."
c. It has been used by some Christians in Arabic speaking countries as a generic name God.
d. It was used in pre-Islamic times by pagan Arabs to refer to the moon-god who was the father of al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat.
e. It is used by Muslims to refer to their god.
Islam and Christianity do not worship the same God. The Christian worships the Jesus Christwhile the Muslim worships Allah. 6. The Fallacy of Force: The Qur'an commands Muslims to wage war against non-Muslims and apostates (Surah 5:33; 9:5, 29).
Some Muslims use a false analogy to answer this argument. They respond by saying, "Well, what about the Crusades? You Christians use violence just like Muslims."
It is logically erroneous to set up a parallel between Muslims killing people in obedience to the Qur'an and Christians killing people in disobedience to the Bible. While the Qur'an commands Jihad, the New Testament forbids it.7. The Fallacy Of Confusing Questions of Fact with Questions of Relevance: Whether something is factually true is totally different from the issue of whether you feel it is relevant. The two issues must be kept separate.
#1 When a Christian argues that some of the beliefs and rituals of the Qur'an came from pre-Islamic Arab paganism, the Muslim will deny it at first. But as more and more evidence is given, the Muslim will often do a flip-flop and begin arguing, "So what! Didn't you Christians get Christmas from the pagans?" The Muslim has now committed three fallacies:
a. The "So what!" argument is dealing with the issue of relevance, not fact. You must stop the Muslim at that point and ask him, "Since you are now dealing with the issue of whether the pagan origins of the Qur'an are relevant, does this mean that you are now agreeing to the fact of the pagan origins of Islam?"
b.. The Muslim has also committed the fallacy of equivocation, The Bible is not threatened by historical sources. It freely refers to them and even quotes them (Acts 17: 28). But the Qur'an denies that it has any earthly historical sources (Surah 25:4-6).
c. He also committed the fallacy of false analogy. The Bible and the Qur'an are two totally different books. The inspiration of the Bible does not depend upon the fate of the Qur'an because what Muslims claim for the Qur'an is not what Christians claim for the Bible.
8. Phonic Fallacies: The phonetic sound of a word should not be used to twist its meaning. For example,
a. Some Muslims try to prove that the word "Allah" is in the Greek New Testament because of the Greek word alla. But while the word is pronounced "alla," it only means "but" in Greek. It has nothing to do with the Arabic "Allah."
b. Some Muslims have claimed that the word "Allah" is in the Bible because the Biblical word "Allelujah." They then mispronounce the word as "Allah-lujah" But "Allelujah" is not a compound Arabic word with "Allah" being the first part of the word. It is a Hebrew word with the name of God being "JAH" (or Yahweh) and the verb "alle" meaning "praise to." It means "praise to Yahweh." The Arabic word "Allah" is not in the word.
c. The same error is found in the Muslim argument that the word "Baca" (Psa. 94:6) really means "Mecca." The valley of Baca is in northern Israel.
d. Some Muslims have tried to go from "Amen" to "Ahmed" to "Mohammed!" Such nonsense is beyond belief.
9. "Red Herring" Arguments: When a Muslim is asked to defend the Qur'an, if he turns around and attacks the reliability of the Bible, the deity of Christ, the Crusades, etc., he is introducing irrelevant issues that have no logical bearing on the truthfulness of Islam. He is trying to divert attention from Islam to other issues.
Furthermore, he is assuming that if he can refute the Bible, then the Qur'an wins by default. If he can refute the deity of Jesus Christ, then Allah wins by default. But this is logically erroneous. You cannot prove your position by refuting someone else's position. The Bible and the Qur'an could both be wrong. Muslims must prove their own book.
10. Straw Man Arguments: When you put a false argument into the mouth of your opponent and then proceed to knock it down, you have only created a "straw man" argument, Muslims sometimes either misunderstand or deliberately misquote the arguments Christians give them.
Some Muslims have built a "straw man" argument that claims that we teach, "The Qur'an teaches that Allah is the Moon-god and that Muslims knowingly believe in and worship the Moon-god and his daughters." They then knock down this "straw man" argument and claim victory. Of course, we never said such nonsense. What we have said is that while the Qur'an claims that Allah is God and Muslims think they are worshipping the one true God, in reality they are worshipping a false god preached by a false prophet according to a false book.
The average Muslim has been deceived by Muslim apologists who use such logical fallacies without regard to reason, fact or honesty. But there are many Muslims who want to be rational in their religion and thus have an open mind to rational discourse. Once they see that their arguments are based on logical fallacies, they will be open to the wonderful news that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for our sins on the cross.

Exposing the Lie of Islam

Exposing the Lie of Islam
December 27, 2001
Exposing the Lie of Islam
In this day of religious pluralism where all "gods" are to be tolerated, we Christians are called to draw a line in the sand. We must stand upon the fact that Jesus Christ alone is God and apart from Him there is no other. This is the reason we are placing the enclosed brochure in your hands. If we love our neighbors lost in the lie of Islam, we must love them enough to tell them the truth. If we love our brothers and sisters who claim the Name of Christ, we must love them enough to tell them that Islam and Christianity cannot peacefully coexist. They are at war (Genesis 3:15).
There is no common ground between the two any more than there is common ground between Christianity and abortion or Christianity and homosexuality. Yet, in our desire to get along with everybody and be at peace, we are accepting every moral depravity and religious heresy known to man without the slightest whimper. Listen to Robert Schuller's wholehearted support for "positive" Islam in his endorsement of Bill Baker's book, More in Common Than You Think (Baker is the founder and President of CAMP, Christians and Muslims for Peace):
"The coming century will most surely witness either a coalition or a collision between Islam and Christianity. I have a dream, that positive believers from both religions will find each other, and once finding each other, and helping each other, can and will write a new history, a new legacy for the world: from collision to coalition. True believers in God must move our society and our world from compatibility to compatibility; from intolerance to tolerance; positive Christians and Muslims becoming partners in peace."
The Muslim cleric of the mosque in Richardson, Texas, gave me this book when we brought the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the gates of his mosque. We came with a banner saying, "Jesus is the Standard," with the cross of Christ in front of the American flag. We also brought signs saying, "Jesus is the Way" and "Jesus is Alive." After about ten minutes, several Muslims came to ask us about our presence there. We gave them the brochure. They said they agreed with the first two tenants but felt the third was very intolerant. Then some of the younger ones tried to wrest the signs and banners from our hands. One American Muslim lady ripped the sign out of Kristene Odell's hands while screaming at her at the top of her voice. It reminded me of being at the abortion mill - same battle, just a different manifestation.
For the most part, those lost in this damnable lie were very kind. They invited us for dinner in the mosque and we joined them (about 1,000 of them). We sat at a large table where, much to my surprise, I was reunited with two long- lost friends who had been on the streets with us in 1990 fighting the sin of abortion. As we talked, I realized that, though we stood together on the streets in 1990 for the lives of children, we were separated eternally by a great chasm of truth. They believe a lie, and they believe it wholeheartedly.
We have gone to the mosque several times since and have added a couple more signs, "Islam is a Lie" and "Muhammad is Dead." If we love them, we must tell them the truth! Join us!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Nation Judged

A Nation Judged

by Dr. Ken Matto

On September 11, 2001 we saw and many experienced a horror beyond description in that the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City were demolished by two acts of terrorism. The death toll at this time (9/18) points to about 5,000 dead in both New York and Washington D.C. at the Pentagon. These acts of terror are despicable and definitely acts of war. Since then there has been a resurgence of patriotism with copious Flag flying and almost every radio station, even the secular ones are playing God Bless America and America the Beautiful. I love both of these songs.

The essence of this treatise is not to recount the horrors which happened but to focus on something I have not heard from any station yet. That is national introspection and repentance. God allowed these things to happen to us because we are a society out of control and steeped in sin and glad of it. Let me point out some places where we need to turn from:

On Sunday Morning the churches are empty and the shores and leisure spots are filled and we sing God Bless America.

We have murdered over 30 million babies through abortion and we sing God Bless America.

Homosexuality is an accepted and encouraged way of life. It is paraded on almost every show on the major networks. Christians on jobs are forced to take sensitivity training to accept this and we sing God Bless America.

Illegal drugs are available to everyone, even children in grammar schools and we sing God Bless America.

Drunkenness is out of control in this country as more and more people partake in drinking and we sing God Bless America.

Marriages are being destroyed and adultery and fornication is an accepted way of life and we sing God Bless America.

This country has become lottery and gambling crazy resulting in many placing their faith in slot machines and casinos and we sing God Bless America.

When someone breaks the law, instead of prosecuting them there are psychologists and organizations like the ACLU to get them off. We are a nation of laws with two loopholes for every law and we sing God Bless America.

We see the churches becoming more and more apostate and accepting homosexual clergy openly and we sing God Bless America.

We are a nation with an insatiable lust for pornography which comes to us via the Internet and we sing God Bless America.

The television networks portray every anti-God or anti-Christian element they can to malign the Christian faith while exalting all the false religions and we sing God Bless America.

When the White House was used as a place for orgies or illicit sex which received approbation by much of the American people and we sing God Bless America.

When false religions are streaming into America and instead of the church warning the people about them they are holding hands and having interfaith services with them and we sing God Bless America.

When a Muslim Cleric opens in prayer in the Senate or Congress instead of a true Christian invoking the True God for wisdom in running the country and we sing God Bless America.

When God’s Word is being treated as profane in the once faithful seminaries and is being translated and re-translated until it becomes just another book and all the warnings have been subdued and we sing God Bless America.

We remove the Ten Commandments from the walls of the schools and the halls of Justice because we fear people will obey them and we sing God Bless America.
I have listed many things which prove that we want nothing to do with God in peace time, what makes us think that God will want us in war time? Flag waving and singing patriotic songs will not cut it with God as there must be a national repentance beginning with each individual who names the name of Christ. If we continue to neglect God and fluff Him off, then America’s woes have just begun. This article may sound unpatriotic but it is more patriotic than you think. When nations in the Bible thumbed their nose at God as many Americans have done, God has destroyed those nations and those nations which have repented in truth God has preserved. The Muslim nations serve a false god while this nation was a bastion of Christianity in which even the unbelievers benefited but we have become arrogant and have taken the protection of God for granted. On September 11, 2001 God showed us that our nation is still part of a sinful world and that briefly He removed His hand of restraint and it resulted in the deaths of about 5,000. Let us return unto the Lord for it was He who built America and not ourselves, for by ourselves we can do nothing. Go over the list of items I gave and ask, can a thrice Holy God really Bless America?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Will Islam Cause WWIII?

Will Islam Cause WWIII?

By Dr. Robert A. Morey


When everyone is saying "peace and safety," sudden destruction will come upon them (1 Thessalonians 5:3).
With the collapse of the Soviet Empire and the demise of the cold war, the threat of Communism vanished in a twinkling of an eye. The tearing down of the Berlin Wall is one of the greatest moments in human history. Russia is now so impoverished by the arms race that it will take a long time for its economy to recover.
Communism was a religion that was harsh and cruel. It murdered more people than any other ideology in the history of mankind. The atrocities committed in the name of Marx and Lenin can only be compared to Hitler and his Third Reich who fine-tuned mass murder into an art form.
In the flush of victory, the West in general and Americans in particular assumed that peace had finally been established on earth. A new world order of peace, prosperity, and unity was just around the corner. We can safely dismantle our military and disarm our missiles of mass destruction. The threat to world peace is over. We can now relax our guard and rest in the confidence that World War III will not happen in our lifetime.
An Old Enemy
Thus the world is lulled to sleep while an old Enemy of truth, justice, peace, and democracy gathers its strength for an all out offensive against the civilian populations of the West. This old Enemy has attacked the West before. Its armies invaded Europe on several occasions and even reached Vienna, Austria. This evil force destroyed everything it touched and left only mangled corpses and burned cities behind it. Its blood thirst and genocide campaigns far exceed any atrocities committed by the Nazis and the Soviets. These enemies of all that is good and righteous can kill innocent women and children without mercy and shame.
They have stated time and time again that their great goal is the subjugation of the entire world to the civil laws, totalitarian political forms, and cultural norms dictated by their religion. Instead of religion being the tool of the state, the state is the tool of religion.
This requires the destruction of all other religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. And, throughout history, whenever they had the political means to suppress other religions, they did so with religious zeal. This ancient enemy of freedom is the religion of Islam. It imposed itself in and beyond the Arabian Desert through wars of violence and political intimidation. It views all that is not Islam as Satan.
No Sense Whatsoever
In this light, it makes no sense whatsoever for the West to be disarming while Islam is arming. While we are dismantling our missiles and nuclear warheads, Islamic nations are buying and building intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of showering nuclear death on any city in Europe or America.
We stand in some ways like those few brave Americans and Europeans who just before World War II warned people of the Nazi threat to world peace. They took the rhetoric of Hitler at face value and saw the buildup of war and terrorism across the world. While others dismissed Hitler and his 'brown shirts' as buffoons, a few people sounded the alarm. Sad to say, their warnings were ignored. "Peace in our time" was Chamberlain's swan song and the world was lulled to sleep while the Third Reich armed itself for war.
The Same Today
We are in much the same situation today. The Muslim threat to the peace and security of America is as real as was the threat of Nazism and Communism. If God does not intervene, the day will come when a mushroom cloud will appear over a major American city signaling death and destruction unparalleled in U.S. history.
The apostle Paul warned us that if the trumpet is not blown loud and clear, the people will not prepare for war (1 Corinthians 14:8). Ezekiel tells us that we are watchmen who have the responsibility to warn the city of an approaching army of death and destruction. If we fail to warn people of the coming war with Islam, their blood will be on our hands (Ezekiel 33:1-6).
In order to convince people that Islam constitutes a clear and present danger to the peace of the world, we must first demonstrate that Islam has the will and the desire to destroy us and, second, that they now have the means to do so.
I. The Muslims Have The Will And Desire To Destroy Us.
The Qur'an commands its followers to launch jihads or holy wars of conquest to force conversions to Islam.
Fight and slay the unbelievers wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war. (Surah IX:5)
Fight those who do not believe in Allah or the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and his apostle, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth (i.e. Islam), (even if they are people of the Book), until they pay the tax with willing submission and feel themselves subdued. (Surah IX:29)
Seize them and slay them wherever you find them. (Surah IV:89,91)
At the beginning, Muhammad's armies attacked defenseless caravans during times of truce and peace. He then sent out his armies to conquer and loot small villages. Cities were later put under the sword. Ultimately, entire nations fell to the sword of Islam. Entire populations were slaughtered and great cultural treasures were either looted or destroyed. (For the documentation: see the book The Islamic Invasion, Harvest House, Eugene, OR)
Whereas Jesus told his disciples to put away their swords, Muhammad commanded his followers make war in his name. Recorded in the Hadith, the second most important duty in Islam according to Muhammad, is Jihad or Holy War.
The blood lust of Islam is thus rooted in a perverted religious impulse to kill and mutilate in the name of Allah. This is what makes it so insidious and wicked. The killing of innocent men, women, and children in the name of Islam becomes a thing of praise and a badge of honor. The more you kill, the more Allah is honored. The greater the destruction, the greater the glory of Islam. Listen carefully to what the most influential leaders of Islam have said.
"We are at war against infidels. Take this message with you, 'I ask all Islamic nations, all Muslims, all Islamic armies, and all heads of Islamic states to join the Holy War. There are many enemies to be killed or destroyed. Jihad must triumph...Muslims have no alternative... to an armed Holy War against profane governments... Holy War means the conquest of all non-Muslim territories... It will... be the duty of every able bodied adult male to volunteer for this war of conquest, the final aim of which is to put Koranic law in power from one end of the earth to the other.'" - Ayatollah Khomeini , "The U.S. is the devil on this planet." World Islamic Popular Command
"Death to America, the Great Satan!" - Muslim mobs in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, etc.
"Muslims must kill the enemies of Allah, in every way and everywhere in order to liberate themselves from the grandchildren of the pigs and apes who are educated at the table of the Zionists, the Communists, and the Imperialists." - Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman
"The United States is a den of evil and fornication... I will show all Americans that they will not be happy if they do not follow Islam." - Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman
"Any doubt about the need to struggle against the U.S. means being enslaved by the Great Satan, and losing the honor and the life the Islamic Revolution has brought to this country and the whole Islamic Ummah." - Ali Akbar Mohtashemi
"It is a matter of time... In 10 years you will have quite a number of countries united under the banner of Islamic fundamentalism." - Hassan al-Turabi
"There is fury, fury everywhere ... Islam is escalating and cannot be resisted. I pray that Allah may tear apart America just as the Soviet Union was torn apart ..." - Sheik al-Tamimi
"[I] wanted to topple one [tower] into the other and kill thousands to send a message to American that they were at war." - Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the blowing up of the World Trade Center
Lest you think that these statements are just a lot of wind and noise, come with me to the World Trade Center in New York City which was blown up by the disciples of Sheik Omar. Come with me to the crash sites of airplanes that were blown out of the air by Muslims. Visit the gravesites of American citizens killed by Muslim terrorists in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.
In Washington DC, Muslims entered a home to kill everyone they found in the house. They took a nine-day-old baby boy and drowned him in the sink. They shot in the head his ten-year-old brother, his 23-year-old sister, his 25-year-old brother, and their mother.
What can we say about the slaughter of thousands of innocent Christians in Egypt, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, and Malaysia? World War III has already begun and most Americans do not know it.
II. The Muslims have the means as well as the will to destroy us.
Islamic fundamentalists plan on putting together an Islamic empire composed of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Nigeria, the former Muslim Soviet states such as Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other Muslim nations in Asia.
Their plan is on schedule and they are taking over country after country while the West sleeps securely with its naive dreams of endless peace and prosperity of a new world order called the Pax Americana. Listen to politicians and other leaders trying to wake up America.
"The trial and subsequent conviction of the terrorists that bombed the World Trade Center and planned other terrorist acts should put to rest any doubt about the deadly threat to American citizens posed by radical extremists." - Henry Depippo, Federal Prosecutor of Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman
"Each day's headlines demonstrate the timeliness this important analysis of the emerging trans-national radical Islamic movement... and the growing danger that extremist Islamic elements may seek to exploit our present vulnerability to missile attack with devastating results." - Frank Gaffney, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security
"The agenda of these people is to attack us for what we are... It's something very hard for Americans who live in a multi-cultured and secular society to understand."- L. Paul Bremer, former head of the counter terrorism office for the State Department
"[Muslim fundamentalists] make no secret of their contempt for democratic political procedures." - Bernard Lewis, noted Middle East scholar
"The public must always remain vigilant against acts of terrorism to ensure that terrorism does not become commonplace in this country as it has in many other countries." - William Sessions, former Director of the FBI
"Today we have no protection from even a single ballistic missile." - Ambassador Henry F. Cooper
"In short, the coming Islamic Empire will be a world power in every sense of the word, whose people will share a vibrant religion and a common Islamic culture. Like its Muslim predecessors, the Islamic Empire of the early 21st Century will also have an appetite for territorial expansion and military conquest. A modern, worldwide jihad against non-Muslim populations and societies complete with nuclear weapons promises to bring the highest casualty rates in the history of mankind. World War III, if it does come, will probably occur between the Islamic Bloc and the Western nations. It will be the deadliest war ever fought by humanity." - Anthony Dennis
"Islamic fundamentalism, like communism... is bent on the expansion of its dominion to as many corners of the world as possible." Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel "It doesn't matter what they tell you - Islamic fundamentalism is a worldwide menace... Allah is rapidly equipping Khomeini's followers with a sword to carry out their master's wishes. He has offered Islam the fire in which the Koran says those who follow false faiths are destined to burn: nuclear weaponry. He has also provided the long-range missiles needed to use it. According to the late Imam's logic, there may be only one just and righteous thing to do: employ this technology to wipe out recalcitrant heathens like you and me." - Howard Bloom
With the break up of the Soviet military complex, the Muslims have been able to buy intercontinental ballistic missiles that are capable of striking anywhere on the planet. They have nuclear bombs that can fit into a steamer trunk and it is feared that such a device may already be in this country. There is a real danger that we will one day face nuclear blackmail just as we faced Arab oil blackmail in the 1970s.
III. What Can We Do?
A. We need to take Proverbs 27:12 seriously. A wise man foresees evil and takes the necessary steps to deliver himself while fools will go naively on and are destroyed.
B. Top priority must now be given to converting Muslims. The final answer to Islam is not bullets but Bibles, not missiles but missions. If they are converted, they will build up the world instead of tearing it down; they will love instead of hate; they will give instead of take. Islam is a spiritual deception and Satanic in its source and power. Only the power of the name and blood of Jesus can drive the demon of Islam out of the hearts and minds of Muslims.
C. We must demand that the U.S. and the UN begin to take action against those nations who persecute Christians. If Egypt will allow its Christian citizens to be butchered by Muslim fanatics, then no more American foreign aid should go to that country. If Bosnia warranted American military intervention, then how much more should we invade Sudan to bring peace to that war ravaged land?
If the U.S. wants to be the policeman of the world and invade Kuwait, Haiti, Bosnia, Somalia, and other places, then it is about time to take on the Muslims in Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan. Financial blockades and other political measures can stop their genocide against the Christians in their nations.
D. We must inform our congressman that now is not the time to disarm our military. Our missiles must be reprogrammed to hit Baghdad and Kabul instead of Moscow and Kiev. Muslim nations must be warned that if they commit acts of terrorism in this country, our wrath can reach their own cities. If they start World War III, they will be destroyed.
E. We must complete President Reagan's 'Star Wars' defense system against missile attacks made against this country. We are presently unprotected from an attack launched from Iraq, Iran, or some other Muslim nation. The U.S. Constitution requires the government to protect us from our enemies. Demand that it do so.
F. Christians must begin to support financially those few soldiers of the cross who are brave enough to stand up to Islam and refute it with courage and boldness. If we do not defeat Islam now, it will defeat us later. Ask yourself this question: Do I want my children or grandchildren to live under the heel of Islamic terrorism?
In the light of all these things, it is time to launch a new Crusade against Islam. But this time, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual. They are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) The sword of the Spirit is more powerful than a steel blade because it cuts to the soul and brings life instead of death. (Hebrews 4:12)
Islam can be defeated if we go forth in the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:4). We must boldly preach the gospel to Muslims everywhere including those in our own community. We must love them enough to share Christ with them.
Rise up, O men of God, Have done with lesser things; Give heart and soul and mind and strength To serve the King of Kings.
Dr. Robert A. Morey is the Executive Director of the Research and Education Foundation, which is dedicated to researching those topics that affect the future of Western thought and culture. Dr. Morey's ministry has been recommended by Dr. Walter Martin, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon, Dr. Tim LaHaye, Dr. Gleason Archer, and many other nationally known Christian leaders.
For more information about this ministry, or to request a free resource catalog, visit our webpage at or contact us at:
Faith Defenders P.O. Box 7447 Orange, CA 92863-7447


Mohammed was the prophet of war; Christ is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6-7).

Mohammed's disciples killed for the faith; Christ's disciples were killed for their faith (Acts 12:2; 2 Timothy 4:7).

Mohammed promoted persecution against the "infidels"; Christ forgave and converted the chief persecutor (1 Timothy 1:13-15).

Mohammed was the taker of life; Christ was the giver of life (John 10:27-28).

Mohammed and his fellow warriors murdered thousands; Christ murdered none but saved many (compare John 12:48).

Mohammed's method was COMPULSION; Christ's aim was voluntary CONVERSION (Acts 3:19).

Mohammed practiced FORCE; Christ preached FAITH (John 6:29,35).

Mohammed was a WARRIOR; Christ is a DELIVERER (Col. 1:13; 1 Thessalonians 1:10).

Mohammed conquered his enemies with the sword; Christ conquered his enemies with another kind of sword, the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12; Acts 2:37).

Mohammed said to the masses, "Convert or die!"; Christ said, "Believe and live!" (John 6:47; 11:25-26).

Mohammed was swift to shed blood (Romans 3:15-17); Christ shed His own blood for the salvation of many (Ephesians 1:7).

Mohammed preached "Death to the infidels!"; Christ prayed "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).

Mohammed declared a holy war (Jihad) against infidels; Christ achieved a holy victory on Calvary's cross (Colossians 2:14-15) and His followers share in that victory (John 16:33).

Mohammed constrained people by conquest; Christ constrained people by love (2 Corinthians 5:14).

Modern terrorists derive their inspiration from Mohammed and carry out their despicable atrocities in the name of his god; Christians derive their inspiration from the One who said, "Blessed are the peacemakers" (Matthew 5:9).

Modern day disciples of Mohammed respond to the terrorist attacks by cheering in the streets; Modern day disciples of Christ are deeply grieved at past atrocities carried out by those who were "Christians" in name only (the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, etc.).

Many Muslims are peaceful and peace-loving because they do not strictly follow the teachings of their founder; Many Christians are peaceful and peace-loving because they do strictly follow the teachings of their Founder (Romans 12:17-21).

Mohammed said the Koran is authoritative only in Arabic, and only in his dialect; The Bible is authoritative in many languages around the world, for God knows all things and can inspire His Word in more than one language.

Mohammed hated music; Jesus and His disciples sang hymns, and the Apostle commanded the Lord's Church to sing. (Matthew 26:30, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16)

Mohammed allowed that a Mullah, Imam, or Mufti of Islam can be a terrorist and moral animal like Osama bin Laden; The Bible requires that a leader in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must be above reproach, and when this is not true, Christians demand such a fallen leader be removed from leadership. (1 Timothy 3:1-7, 5:19-20)

Islam calls on its followers to observe Five Pillars, while all other aspects of life can be vulgar and not affect the Muslim's prospects in Paradise. The Bible calls on the Christian to submit to the total change of his life by the Spirit of God-- NO area of life and thought is the choice of the follower. (Romans 12:1-2)

The Muslim looks forward to eternity in Paradise where there will be virgins who are used for eternal perpetual copulation. The Bible believing Christian looks forward to being with Jesus Christ and is delighted with that. (2 Corinthians 5:8) Mohammed said the witness of a woman was half the value of the witness of a man; and Muhammed said a women goes to Paradise because she satisfies her husband sexually;

The Bible teaches that a husband is to love his wife and be willing to die for her. (Ephesians 5:25) Mohammed called upon his servants to fight; Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world; if My kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight . . .but now is My kingdom not from here" (John 18:36) Mohammed ordered death to the Jews (see A.Guillaume, The Life of Muhammad, Oxford University Press [1975], p. 369);

Christ ordered that the gospel be preached "to the Jew first" (Romans 1:16). The Koran says, "Fight in the cause of Allah" (Qu'ran 2.244); The Bible says, "we wrestle not against flesh and blood" and "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal" (Ephesians 6:12; 2 Corinthians 10:4). The Koran says, "Fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them" (Qu'ran 9.5);Christ said, "Preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). The Koran says, "I will inspire terror into the hearts of unbelievers" (Qu'ran 8.12); God inspires His terror into the hearts of believers (Isaiah 8:13). The Koran (Qu'ran) is a terrorist manual which condones fighting, conflict, terror, slaughter, and genocide against those who do not accept Islam; The Bible is a missionary manual to spread the gospel of peace to all the world (Romans 10:15).

Mohammed's Mission was to conquer the world for Allah; Christ's mission was to conquer sin's penalty and power by substitutionary atonement (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 3:18). Mohammed considered Christ a good prophet; Christ pronounced Mohammed to be a false prophet (John 10:10; Matthew 24:11).

Mohammed claimed that there was but one God, Allah; Christ claimed that He was God (John 10:30-31; John 8:58-59; John 5:18; John 14:9).

Islam is geocentric, that is, the whole universe is centered on the Kaaba in the Grand mosque in Mecca in Arabia, and all Muslims pray facing that direction; Jesus Christ is the center of all Christian worship and fellowship, for He is "in the midst" where his saints meet anywhere on earth. (Matthew 18:20, John 4:22-23) Mohammed's Tomb: OCCUPIED! Christ's tomb: EMPTY!

Islam must be received, or you can be killed for rejecting it: The Faith offered by Jesus Christ is for "whosoever will" to receive, and all men are permitted to reject it. (Revelation 22:17, John 3:16) Those who leave Islam are killed in most Islamic nations; Those who leave the true Church of Jesus Christ are allowed to do so with no revenge. Now, is a Muslim submitted to Allah and Islam because he loves Allah? NO! He dare not leave Islam, and he is loyal purely out of fear. The true Bible believer is loyal to Jesus Christ purely out of love. 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 19 We love him, because he first loved us. This concept is 100% alien to Islam-- There is no love in Islam-- Only fear and hate.

Mohammed's Greatest Miracle Was Sex

Mohammed's Greatest Miracle Was Sex
By Ayesha Ahmed
Apostle's greatest miracle was not the Quran. It was his capacity for lovemaking. Allah had given him libido of 30 men.
Most infidels don't even consider the Quran to be a big deal. They say a village idiot can come up with such a book. They claim that many people have written much better books than Quran. But I ask them, can anyone match the apostle's lovemaking prowess? Can they at the age 60+ make love to 10 young women in a single night? Yes, the apostle could do it. That is an irrefutable proof of his prophethood, which cannot be duplicated.
Bukhari,Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268 :
“Prophet was given the strength (sexual) of thirty men”.
Apostle could make love (continuously) to all his wives (9 to 11) in one night.
Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268 :
"The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number. Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)."
Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 6 :
The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one night
Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 5, Number 270 :
Aisha said, "I scented Allah's Apostle and he went round (had sexual intercourse with) all his wives."
Such sexual capability and stamina is Allah's miracle, which is only given to prophets.
Prophet Sulaiman used to have sex with 100 women in one night.
Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 74i :\r\nAllah\'s Apostle said, "Once Solomon, son of David said, \'(By Allah) Tonight I will have sexual intercourse with one hundred (or ninety-nine) women each of whom will give birth to a knight who will fight in Allah\'s Cause. \r\nEVEN GIBRAEEL VISITED APOSTLE'S BEDROOM \r\nHis lovemaking was complimented by visits of archangel Gibraeel. Once apostle even introduced Gibraeel to Ayesha. Ordinary mortals cannot see angels, needless to say she was clueless and could not see him. \r\nBukhari, Volume 5, Book 57, Number 112: \r\nNarrated Abu Salama: \r\n\'Aisha said, "Once Allah\'s Apostle said (to me), \'O Aish (\'Aisha)! This is Gabriel greeting you.\' I said, \'Peace and Allah\'s Mercy and Blessings be on him, you see what I don\'t see\' " She was addressing Allah \'s Apostle. \r\nALL HIS OTHER WIVES WATCHED HIM MAKE LOVE \r\nApostle's love making was outstanding and was watched (and admired) by all his wives.... \r\nBukhari, Book 008, Number 3450: \r\nAnas (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah\'s Apostle (may peace be upon him) had nine wives. They (all the wives) used to gather every night in the house of one where he had to come (and stay that night). \r\nPEEPING TOMS ALSO WATCHED \r\nBukhari , Volume 9, Book 83, Number 38a: \r\nA man peeped into one of the dwelling places of the Prophet. \r\nMuslim, Book 025, Number 5369: \r\nAnas b. Malik reported that a person peeped in some of the holes (in the doors) of Allah\'s Messenger (may peace be upon him). \r\nBukhari, Volume 9, Book 83, Number 38: \r\nNarrated Sahl bin Sa\'d As-Sa\'idi: \r\nA man peeped through a hole in the door of Allah\'s Apostle\'s house, \r\nALLAH BLESSED HIM WITH SPECIAL PRIVILEDGES FOR SEX \r\nAllah not only gave him extraordinary capability for sexual activity but also gave him special privileges to use those capabilities. \r\n.Q33.50 : O Prophet! In addition to all your wives, slave girls and captured women, we have made lawful to you all your first cousins and any believing woman if she gave herself to you, and if you desire her. ",1] ); //-->:
Allah's Apostle said, "Once Solomon, son of David said, '(By Allah) Tonight I will have sexual intercourse with one hundred (or ninety-nine) women each of whom will give birth to a knight who will fight in Allah's Cause.
His lovemaking was complimented by visits of archangel Gibraeel. Once apostle even introduced Gibraeel to Ayesha. Ordinary mortals cannot see angels, needless to say she was clueless and could not see him.
Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 57, Number 112 :
Narrated Abu Salama:
'Aisha said, "Once Allah's Apostle said (to me), 'O Aish ('Aisha)! This is Gabriel greeting you.' I said, 'Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be on him, you see what I don't see' " She was addressing Allah 's Apostle.
Apostle's love making was outstanding and was watched (and admired) by all his wives....
Bukhari, Book 008, Number 3450 :
Anas (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) had nine wives. They (all the wives) used to gather every night in the house of one where he had to come (and stay that night).
Bukhari , Volume 9, Book 83, Number 38a :
A man peeped into one of the dwelling places of the Prophet.
Muslim, Book 025, Number 5369 :
Anas b. Malik reported that a person peeped in some of the holes (in the doors) of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him).
Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 83, Number 38 :
Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd As-Sa'idi:
A man peeped through a hole in the door of Allah's Apostle's house,
Allah not only gave him extraordinary capability for sexual activity but also gave him special privileges to use those capabilities.
.Q33.50 : O Prophet! In addition to all your wives, slave girls and captured women, we have made lawful to you all your first cousins and any believing woman if she gave herself to you, and if you desire her. \r\nALLAH BLESSED HIM WITH DIVINE INSPIRATIONS AFTER SEX \r\nAllah blessed his lovemaking with divine inspirations afterwards. \r\nTabari Vl7, page :7 Ayesha said “Inspiration came to him when he and I were in a single blanket”. \r\nBukhari Vol 5 Bk57 N 119 \r\nProphet said, By Allah, the Divine Inspiration never came to me while I was under the blanket of any woman except Aesha.” \r\nWOMEN OFFERED THEMSELVES TO HIM \r\nApostle got solicitated by hot women all the time (apparently by the publicity of his greatness in bed).. \r\nBukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 24: \r\nA woman came to Allah\'s Apostle and said, "O Allah\'s Apostle! I have come to give you myself \r\nBukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 48: \r\nNarrated Hisham\'s father: \r\nKhaula bint Hakim was one of those ladies who presented themselves to the Prophet. \'Aisha said, "Doesn\'t a lady feel ashamed for presenting herself to a man?" \r\nBukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 53: \r\nNarrated Thabit Al-Banani: \r\n"A woman came to Allah\'s Apostle and presented herself to him, saying, \'O Allah\'s Apostle, have you any need for me ?\' "Thereupon Anas\'s daughter said, "What a shameless lady she was! Shame! Shame!" Anas said, "She was better than you; she had a liking for the Prophet \r\nBukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 54: \r\n“A woman presented herself to the Prophet.” \r\nBukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 58: \r\nNarrated Sahl bin Sad: \r\nA woman came to Allah\'s Apostle and said, "O Allah\'s Apostle! I have come to you to present myself to you” \r\nHIGH LIBIDO CAUSED QUICK ARROUSALS \r\nApostle got aroused at sight of (attractive) women. \r\nMuslim, Book 008, Number 3240: \r\n“Jabir reported that Allah\'s Messenger (may peace be upon him) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her”. ",1] ); //-->
Allah blessed his lovemaking with divine inspirations afterwards.
Tabari Vl7, page :7 Ayesha said “Inspiration came to him when he and I were in a single blanket”.
Bukhari Vol 5 Bk57 N 119
Prophet said, By Allah, the Divine Inspiration never came to me while I was under the blanket of any woman except Aesha.”
Apostle got solicitated by hot women all the time (apparently by the publicity of his greatness in bed)..
Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 24 :
A woman came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have come to give you myself
Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 48 :
Narrated Hisham's father:
Khaula bint Hakim was one of those ladies who presented themselves to the Prophet. 'Aisha said, "Doesn't a lady feel ashamed for presenting herself to a man?"
Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 53 :
Narrated Thabit Al-Banani:
"A woman came to Allah's Apostle and presented herself to him, saying, 'O Allah's Apostle, have you any need for me ?' "Thereupon Anas's daughter said, "What a shameless lady she was! Shame! Shame!" Anas said, "She was better than you; she had a liking for the Prophet
Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 54 :
“A woman presented herself to the Prophet.”
Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 58 :
Narrated Sahl bin Sad:
A woman came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have come to you to present myself to you”
Apostle got aroused at sight of (attractive) women.
Muslim, Book 008, Number 3240 :
“Jabir reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her”. \r\nAROUSED BY CLOSE RELATIVES \r\nOne day Apostle of Allah walked into his adopted son Zaid's house. Zaid was not there but he caught a glimpse of his voluptuous and beautiful wife Zainab (she was apostle's first cousin) in her birthday suit. \r\nTabari wrote: \r\n"One day Muhammad went out looking for Zaid. Now there was a covering of hair cloth over the doorway, but the wind had lifted the covering so that the doorway was uncovered. Zaynab was in her chamber, undressed, and admiration for her entered the heart of the Prophet". \r\nThe admiration aroused him instantly, which Zainab also noticed and mentioned it to her husband Zaid later. He rushed to his father's house and offered Zainab to him. Mohammed worried about possible bad press and refused to accept it. But Allah will not take no for an answer and insisted on their union. \r\nQ 33:37 We gave her (Zaid's wife) unto thee in marriage, so that (henceforth) there may be no sin for believers in respect of wives of their adopted sons”. \r\nAROUSED BY WIFE'S MAIDS \r\nOnce he entered his wife Hafsa's room for some reason. Hafsa was not there but he found her lovely young maid Maria instead. He grabbed her and jumped into the bed with her for a quickie. But the quickie was not quick enough and Hafsa walked in and started yelling. To quieten her down and to please her he promised never to touch her maid again. However Allah did not approve of this sacrifice and revealed the following ayas: \r\nQ66.1 SHAKIR: O Prophet! why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you (slave girl Maria); you seek to please your wife(Hafsa) \r\n66.2 Allah has sanctioned for you to break your promise (go sleep with Hafsa's maid) \r\nAROUSED BY LITTLE GIRLS \r\nApostle was helpless because of his 30 man libido and got excited even when he saw little girls.\r\nIbn Ishaq: Suhayli, 2.79: In the riwaya of Yunus Ibn Ishaq recorded that the apostle saw (Ummu'l-Fadl hen she was baby crawling before him and said, ‘If she grows up and I am still alive I will marry her.' (",1] ); //-->
One day Apostle of Allah walked into his adopted son Zaid's house. Zaid was not there but he caught a glimpse of his voluptuous and beautiful wife Zainab (she was apostle's first cousin) in her birthday suit.
Tabari wrote:
"One day Muhammad went out looking for Zaid. Now there was a covering of hair cloth over the doorway, but the wind had lifted the covering so that the doorway was uncovered. Zaynab was in her chamber, undressed, and admiration for her entered the heart of the Prophet".
The admiration aroused him instantly, which Zainab also noticed and mentioned it to her husband Zaid later. He rushed to his father's house and offered Zainab to him. Mohammed worried about possible bad press and refused to accept it. But Allah will not take no for an answer and insisted on their union.
Q 33:37 We gave her (Zaid's wife) unto thee in marriage, so that (henceforth) there may be no sin for believers in respect of wives of their adopted sons”.
Once he entered his wife Hafsa's room for some reason. Hafsa was not there but he found her lovely young maid Maria instead. He grabbed her and jumped into the bed with her for a quickie. But the quickie was not quick enough and Hafsa walked in and started yelling. To quieten her down and to please her he promised never to touch her maid again. However Allah did not approve of this sacrifice and revealed the following ayas:
Q66.1 SHAKIR : O Prophet! why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you (slave girl Maria); you seek to please your wife(Hafsa)
66.2 Allah has sanctioned for you to break your promise (go sleep with Hafsa's maid)
Apostle was helpless because of his 30 man libido and got excited even when he saw little girls.
Ibn Ishaq: Suhayli, 2.79: In the riwaya of Yunus Ibn Ishaq recorded that the apostle saw (Ummu'l-Fadl hen she was baby crawling before him and said, ‘If she grows up and I am still alive I will marry her.' ( \r\nMuhammad saw Um Habiba the daughter of Abbas while she was fatim (age of nursing) and he said, "If she grows up while I am still alive, I will marry her." (Musnad Ahmad, Number 25636) \r\nAROUSED BY DREAMS OF LITTLE GIRLS \r\nTwice he dreamt of a little girl, the 6 year old pretty daughter of his best friend Abu. She was wrapped in a silk cloth. He uncovered the silk cloth to see more of her. \r\nBukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 15: \r\nNarrated \'Aisha: \r\nAllah\'s Apostle said (to me), "You have been shown to me twice in (my) dreams. A man was carrying you in a silken cloth and said to me, \'This is your wife.\' I uncovered it; and behold, it was you. I said to myself, \'If this dream is from Allah, He will cause it to come true.\'" \r\nHe ended up marrying the 6 year old girl of his dreams. \r\nHIGH LIBIDO CAUSED REALISTIC DAY DREAMING \r\nApostle could think of having sex with his wives and it felt just like real thing.. \r\nBukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 660: \r\nNarrated Aisha: \r\n“Allah\'s Apostle used to think that he had sexual relations with his wives while he actually had not”. \r\nDRY CLEANING \r\nHis day dreaming was so realistic that he even got wet spots on his garments . Ayesha drycleaned those spots. \r\nBukhari,Book 002, Number 0572: \r\nAyesha said “ In case I found that (semen) on the garment of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) dried up, I scraped it off with my nails”. \r\nAPOSTL'S LIBIDO HAD ITS LIMITS \r\nApostle was turned off instantly whenever he was suspected of shadiness. \r\nOne night Ayesha got a punch instead of getting sex because she got suspicious of his strange activities and followed him at night (without his knowledge) to a cemetery, where he stood in darkness waving his hands. \r\nMuslimi,Book 004, Number 2127: \r\nAyesha narrated. "He struck me on the chest which caused me pain.” \r\n",1] ); //-->ref.10, p. 311)
Muhammad saw Um Habiba the daughter of Abbas while she was fatim (age of nursing) and he said, "If she grows up while I am still alive, I will marry her." (Musnad Ahmad, Number 25636)
Twice he dreamt of a little girl, the 6 year old pretty daughter of his best friend Abu. She was wrapped in a silk cloth. He uncovered the silk cloth to see more of her.
Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 15 :
Narrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said (to me), "You have been shown to me twice in (my) dreams. A man was carrying you in a silken cloth and said to me, 'This is your wife.' I uncovered it; and behold, it was you. I said to myself, 'If this dream is from Allah, He will cause it to come true.'"
He ended up marrying the 6 year old girl of his dreams.
Apostle could think of having sex with his wives and it felt just like real thing..
Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 660 :
Narrated Aisha:
“Allah's Apostle used to think that he had sexual relations with his wives while he actually had not”.
His day dreaming was so realistic that he even got wet spots on his garments . Ayesha drycleaned those spots.
Bukhari,Book 002, Number 0572 :
Ayesha said “ In case I found that (semen) on the garment of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) dried up, I scraped it off with my nails”.
Apostle was turned off instantly whenever he was suspected of shadiness.
One night Ayesha got a punch instead of getting sex because she got suspicious of his strange activities and followed him at night (without his knowledge) to a cemetery, where he stood in darkness waving his hands.
Muslimi,Book 004, Number 2127 :
Ayesha narrated. "He struck me on the chest which caused me pain.” (the hadith is too long, one can read on \r\nAL
When the apostle was in bed with his new young and pretty bride Al Shanba bint Amr bin Ghiffuriya, she told him that if he was a real prophet, his most beloved 2 year old son Ibrahim would not have died of sickness after he prayed day and night for him. Apostle kicked her out and divorced her without consummation of the marriage.
(She was lucky to have been just kicked out. Allah demands death for doubting Mohammed)
(Tabari, vol 9, page 136)

Islamic hoaxes links

List Of Articles

THE REAL JIHAD --> By S.Prasadh
Is The "Allah" of the Qur'an the true universal God? -->By Dr.Robert Moorey
Islamic Morality ---> By Anwar Sheikh
Quran is responsible for Iraq's destruction --> Mohammed Asghar
Lying in Islam ---> By Abdullah Al Araby
Islamic Law on Female Circumcision --> By S.Prasadh
Prophet's Letter To Omani Sultanate --> By S.Prasadh
Open Call For Jihad ----> By Salim
Islamic Hoaxes ---> By S.Prasadh
Is Jesus Really A Prophet Of Allah ? ---> By Salim
Allah's Daughters ---> By Brother Andrew
Who were the Hanifs? ---> Richard Bell
Built In Misunderstanding ---> David
Jihad Against Arabs
Are You A Confused Kafir? --- By S.Prasadh
Mohammed's Greatest Miracle Was Sex --> by Ayesha Ahmed
Quran and Royal Plural --> By S.Prasadh
Dealing With Islam --> By David
Hindu Girls Beware --> Vivek Jyoti
Muhammad - The Man and Message ( Part 1) --> By S.Prasadh
Women and Islam --> By Mohammad Asghar
Muhammad & Islam Stories not told before --> By Mohammad Asghar
Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, was not a Muslim! --> By Mohammad Asghar
Islam is not a religion of peace --> By Mohammad Asghar
Muhammad is not precited in Hindu scriptures - Zakir Naik Refuted --> By S.Prasadh
Muhammad Is Not Predicted In Buddhist Scriptures - Zakir Naik Refuted --> By S.Prasadh

Islamic Hoaxes

Islamic Hoaxes
By S.Prasadh

There are several sneaky and absurd statements being made by Muslims these days. This article presents some of them and a brief analysis and justification. Here they go:
“We love JESUS (pbhu). He was ALLAH's messenger and we all accept him as a rasool and nabi. EESA (Jesus in Arabic) is our nabi and rasool too”.
Muslims offer SALAT (prayer in Arabic) 5 times a day. They take shahada (acceptance of Islam) by saying “Allah hu akbar la illaha ilallah muhammedan rasoolullah” and they repeat these lines or similar ones in their salat.
Now the ambiguity here is, if Muslims really respected Jesus and accepted him as one of their prophets, then why don't Muslims say “Allah hu akbar la illaha ilallah, eesa rasoolullah “at least once in a day while offering salat? The above verse means Allah is the only GOD and Muhammad is Allah's messenger. Well why this exclusive preference being given to only Muhammad? Why not Jesus if he too was a messenger of Allah? A Muslim apologist can say “Islam was revealed via Muhammad and that's why we say so. That shows Islam originated only in the time of Muhammad and not before as Muslims claim.” This refutes their claim that Jesus was a Muslim and that even Adam was a Muslim. Muhammad founded Islam and before him Islam did not exist and so the previous prophets could not have been Muslims.
“Quran has many scientific miracles. It must be from GOD”
Lets us examine one of the alleged scientific verses:
YUSUFALI: He is created from a drop emitted-
PICKTHAL: He is created from a gushing fluid
SHAKIR: He is created of water pouring forth,
YUSUFALI: Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs:
PICKTHAL: That issued from between the loins and ribs.
SHAKIR: Coming from between the back and the ribs.
According to Quran the male semen/sperm originates at a place between ribs and backbone. However, semen originate from TESTICLES (for more info refer to this site ). Are the testicles between backbone and ribs? In fact this was an ancient Greek belief and also Arab belief which was proven wrong later. A Muslim apologist gives a contradicting and funny answer to this question in this site :
He first mentions that Quran is not a science book and it contains ancient Arab beliefs. But he contradicts his own statement by ending the article claiming that the Quran has correct science! This “scholar” forgot what he wrote before! In that article the writer has himself added (lower) in brackets which is not exactly in Quran. It never mentions the word lower. It's a barefaced lie and desperate attempt to save Islam's claims. Next>>

A Few Stunning Contradictions In The Quran

Now as any educated person knows….keeping aside the BIBLE…the secular history available by all means say that JESUS was born at BETHLEHEM in a STABLE or CATTLE SHED. Hope you all agree with me. Now the QURAN says in the surah called MARYAM the following :
19:23 The pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. She said : “would that I had died before this and had been forgotten and out of sight!” .
Examine 19:23 . It confirms MARYAM was under a palm tree , then she gave birth to JESUS and then after the child came out she was surprised about what happened and exclaimed . My question is how come QURAN which came nearly 800 years after JESUS and 100-150 years after MUHAMMED make a claim about a past blindly that he was born under a palm tree? Every other history or book say JESUS was born in a stable or a cattle shed. Its quiet new that QURAN is making such a claim. When I ask this every muslim ask me what is the proof that JESUS was born in a cattle shed?!??!? If anyone can provide me the proof I shall be grateful. The muslims themselves do not have any concrete reason to justify this and every edition of the Bible or secular history says that Jesus was born under a cattle shed as reported in historical events and many people( irrespective of religion) have a myth that JESUS was born at JERUSALEM but was actually born in BETHLEHEM. Above all some muslims claim that someone had corrupted the bible. Okay where is the necessity to corrupt the Old testament or the new one about JESUS's place of birth???? Its very well known for generations JESUS was born under a cattle shed…but muslims not knowing where he was born claim that he was born in a cattle shed…but after one shows the QURAN about what it says they all of a sudden change their opinion to PALM TREE claiming the words to be that of GOD's!!!!! Really strange
Now 19:28 calls Maryam as Oh sister of AARON or HARUN . Aaron is supposed to be the brother of MOSES. If that is not the Aaron to whom the QURAN is referring to , Then it is not given in the Arabic verse any reference to which aaron is that. It is just a twist-play that ISLAMIC translators have done saying that he is another pious man and not brother of Moses. By the way cant Maryam be called mother of IESA or Maryam itself? Why sister of Aaron? Any reasons guys. To the knowledge of the QURAN itself HARUN is brother of MOSES u can find it.
The first muslim according to some muslim scholars like Dr.Zakir Naik , Nadir Ahmed is Adam and all other humans on this earth are born muslims. If they say so and if the QURAN says so…how come MUHAMMED the prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) has revealed the following verses in QURAN ?? Raises eyebrows really :
2:132 The same did Abraham enjoin upon his sons, and also Jacob, (saying): O my sons! Lo! Allah hath chosen for you the (true) religion; therefore die not save as men who have surrendered (unto Him).
7:143 And Moses fell down senseless. And when he woke he said: Glory unto Thee! I turn unto Thee repentant, and I am the first of (true) believers.
39:12 And I [Muhammad] am commanded to be the first of those who are muslims (surrender unto Him).
And now the previous verse says the religion of IBRAHIM….then IBRAHIM should have been a muslim!!! And some muslim scholars claim that everyone in this earth before muhammed were muslims and ADAM was the first muslim…funny isn't it eh??!!!! How come then the QURAN itself claims either Ibrahim / Moses(musa) / Muhammed to have been the prophet??? So wo was the first muslim??? Shows this is just a belief…and self-testimony and not a fact because a fact is very clear without any dispute or contradiction.
2:253 Of those messengers, some of whom We have caused to excel others, and of whom there are some unto whom Allah spake, while some of them He exalted (above others) in degree ; and We gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty) and We supported him with the holy Spirit. And if Allah had so wiled it, those who followed after them would not have fought one with another after the clear proofs had come unto them. But they differed, some of them believing and some disbelieving. And if Allah had so willed it, they would not have fought one with another; but Allah doeth what He will.
2: 285 The messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers - We make no distinction between any of His messengers - and they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto Thee is the journeying.
Well the highlighted lines show the uncertainity in QURAN about the equality among messengers. If 2:253 is correct then its justifiable to say Muhammedan Rasoolullah….. But if 2:285 is correct then I feel the recitation while praying should include all the prophets' names. But is doesn't. It says Muhammed is the RASOOL(Messenger of ALLAH to mankind and jinns) . How can it claim Muhammed is messenger….it makes no mention of other guys???? Good way to show muslims believe in JESUS ,ABRAHAM ,MOSES , etc. !!!
How did Allah Create Man?
25:54 And He it is Who hath created man from water , and hath appointed for him kindred by blood and kindred by marriage; for thy Lord is ever Powerful.
24:45 Allah hath created every animal of water. Of them is (a kind) that goeth upon its belly and (a kind) that goeth upon two legs and (a kind) that goeth upon four. Allah createth what He will. Lo! Allah is Able to do all things.
96:1-2 Read : In the name of your Lord , Who has created(all that exists) , man from a piece of clot.
15:26 Verily We created man of potter's clay of black mud altered.
32:7 Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay;
38:71 When thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to create a mortal out of mire ,
55:14 He created man of clay like the potter's
30:20 And of His signs is this: He created you of dust , and behold you human beings, ranging widely!
35:11 Allah created you from dust , then from a little fluid, then He made you pairs (the male and female). No female beareth or bringeth forth save with His knowledge. And no-one groweth old who groweth old, nor is aught lessened of his life, but it is recorded in a Book, Lo! that is easy for Allah.
Look at the above listing of verses from the QURAN. Well the first two verses(25:54 and 24:45) indicate man is being created from water. Note water is not mixed with anything…u cant twist it that way…it is stated man is created from water…not anything obtained from water or it has not been said only water was available at that time!!! No way. The next verse(96:1-2) says he created all that exists( all that exists doesn't mean only humans even animals) from a piece of coagulated blood called clot.Now a clot doesnt grow into anything and that has been scientifically proved. But in above two he says he created man from water and animals from water. Now he says all that exists is created by a clot. Next ( 15:26 , 32:7 ,38:71 and 55:14) says man was created from potter's clay of black mud!!!! Now he has mixed water with mud is it??? What happened to just water and clot?? For a change? Atlast the last two verses( 30:20 and 35:11) says Allah created humans from dust and beholded ( considered them by) ranging widely. So essentially every human or being must be created from either of these. Not from all. So where does the embryological miracle of QURAN lie??? It lacks science…rather LOGIC itself.


Good heavenly days, you sound so much like me when I was dating my Muslim boyfriend. We dated for over 3 years and I broke up with him before he was to leave back to his country. I almost married him and almost converted to Islam. I was SO confused when I came onto LAM. I wanted to marry him and I was a nominal/cultural Christian. I was Christian by name only, and I never read the Bible really and I only went to church occasionally when I was home at my parents. God's word did not take precedence in my life, so it allowed other influences to creep in.
As I was dating my ex, Islam became very attractive to me. I started getting books like you and doing more research on it and read most of the Koran. It just looked attractive to me. People were praying five times a day, and Allah really seemed to come first for them. I really liked that. It seemed a far cry from any Christians I had experienced. And it basically seemed to be the same to me. Belief in one God. I would try to talk to my ex about Christianity and he always had some refute based on the Koran and said the Bible had been changed. It all made sense to me at that time and sounded good.
I also became crazy about the cultural aspect as well, and learned the cooking. The ex and I talked about how it would be if we got married. He said the kids had to be Muslim or any we had would be bastards. I had planned on teaching the kids Christianity in secret. He also said no church wedding, no wedding dress, no dog, no working for me (which he later changed and said it was ok as long as it was work in the home) andI had to cover. I thought that all sounded ok because I could compromise. I would cover to fit into the culture. I wasn't really giving anything up was I?? Nothing important. He said I didn't have to convert to his religion after all.
These were only surface things for the red flags that were there. He had already been abusive in the end of the first and the beginning of the second year of dating. I got slapped because I said something about Mohammed. Then abuse went on because of his temper. And it was hard questioning him at all and even talking about my religion. I basically gave up and just quit trying. I avoided all religious conversations. I went to the mosque to see what it was like and tried to convince myself and him that it would work. Towards the end of our relationship, I felt crazy.
He knew my family and had visited them at my home. But they asked me never to get married. So I knew I did not have their support. Trying to figure out what I was going to do drove me nuts and I was happy one minute and sad the next. I needed to talk to someone to sort out my feelings from a nonbiased perspective. And I talked to a counselor at my health center at school. I got nothing from that. Finally, I was doing research on Muslim Christian relationships and I found LAM. Thank God for this! It was God giving me a sign and I am glad I heeded!
Did you know that the Bible says that it is a sin to be unequally yoked?
That means not married to an unbeliever. I did not know this. And I was upset
at some LAM sisters for being so negative and trying to get me out of the relationship, but something really started to take hold in my heart. I was not even a strong Christian at this time and it affected me. I tried to rationalize every which way. I started reading more stories about the other ladies lives, how some were ok, some were really bad off, and some were just tolerating and getting by. Some women said their Muslim men had changed and told them one thing before marriage and then another after the marriage. They would be ok with they way they dressed, that they went to church, and being able to teach their kids Christianity, then all this would change after marriage. They argued over baptism/dedications and putting their kids in Christian schools or not. This all scared me.
I envisioned myself in a happy marriage with none of these issues. I thought probably I could compromise the world. But did I want to??? And what guarantee did I have that he would not change?? Maybe he would not have, but I did not want to risk it. We had discussed that neither of us wanted to go through divorce, but he made it clear I would be doing most of the compromising.
Also I had to figure out where I was with God in my life. I could not ignore the fact that basically I was disobeying God by marrying this man. He was not my spiritual equal. Women on LAM talked about how sad it was they could not share the Bible with their husbands and go to church with them, or share their spiritual experiences. God puts this verse there to protect us, so I ask you to think about this. I realize you are confused right now. I was too. But from experience, I tell you, put down the Korans and researches and ask yourself what place God has in your life and where you feel you are right now. Delve into the Biblical scriptures and ask God to teach you what he wants you to know.
There is so much I could write. I could go on and on. Ladies here have described how Islam looks great from the outside, but then once they get into it deeper, and some of the teachings, it really could not be the true religion of God. Please ask any questions here and stick around and listen to these ladies. You are right, you would be demoting Jesus upon converting to Islam. He would no longer be divine, but just another Prophet. He would no longer be a personal savior to you. In Islam, you would have to work off your sins and try to gain points with good deeds to make up for what you have lost by doing a sin. God loves us and wants a relationship with us. He sent his son as a way to reach out to us, and know us and he wants us to know him too. God knew that we would never be perfect enough to get into Heaven without a ransom for our sins. He sent his son to do that, because God cannot be in any presence of any sin. And all of our good deeds are like filthy rags to God so we can't get into heaven alone because we are just human and imperfect. I hope this all makes sense.
I am going to stop now, I don't want to overwhelm you, but I want you to know
where I am now. I have a wonderful man to worship with because I let God put a man in my life instead of trying to control who I dated. We went to a wedding this weekend with a church service included and it was beautiful to be reminded that I am able to share this wonderful experience of worshipping God with him. And I read the scriptures and talk with other ladies and him about things of the Lord. I can't explain my joy!
Loving a Muslim Home Page Table of Contents

Monday, March 27, 2006

Index of Articles on Islam

American liberals bitch and moan

To all of you on here bitching about how offensive the cartoons are I have one thing to say to you...........too fucking bad.......You guys know what I find offensive?Muslims terrorists hijacking American planes and flying them into buldings.Muslims kidnapping reporters and civilians and killing them on videotape.Muslim governments supporting terrorists.I know that not every Muslim is a terrorist but the ones who aren't don't exactly condemn the ones who are. So they can go fuck themselves too.It seems like everywhere Muslims go there's a radical minority of them that have to cause trouble. Wether it's the hate speech being expressed in Britian, the civil unrest and disrespect for traditional culture in France or the terrorists attacks in Spain and America.I as a westerner am tolerant. You want to practice Islam and worship allah? Fine. Just do it peacefully without conducting terrorism or looking the other way when others conduct terrorism in the name of Islam.However if you want to fuck with the USA you better believe we're gonna fuck with you back. Another thing..........I am so fucking tired of hearing American liberals bitch and moan about Abu Gharib, Guantanamo, and torture. I say if some Al Queda douchebag has even the slightest bit of information that can save American lives we should make him sit in a cell in Gauntanamo while he watches American soldiers wipe thier asses with pages from the Qaran and we torture him until he gives up the information or we kill him trying.

Dutch Muslim wins right to refuse handshake

Dutch Muslim wins right to refuse handshake Commission says woman was wrongly barred from school over religious rule
Updated: 11:18 a.m. ET March 27, 2006
AMSTERDAM - A Dutch school was wrong to bar a Muslim woman from its classes for refusing to shake hands with men, the Commission for Equal Treatment found on Monday.
The adult education center in the Dutch central town of Amersfoort rejected the woman’s application to study to become an education assistant, saying handshaking was part of daily education.
The woman refused to shake hands with men because she said Islam forbids physical contact with men above the age of 12, the government-funded commission said in a statement.
It concluded that handshaking at schools was not necessary as there were other ways of greeting men.
“Every school has the duty to be free of discrimination and treat men and women equally. This duty extends to individual students who refuse physical contact on religious grounds,” it said.
The opposition of some Muslims toward men and women shaking hands hit the headlines recently when an imam refused to shake hands with Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk at a public event.
The Netherlands is home to 1 million Muslims who are mostly of Turkish or Moroccan descent and make up almost 6 percent of the population.
Social and religious tensions have escalated in the country in recent years, exacerbated by the murder of director Theo van Gogh by a Dutch-Moroccan militant in 2004 after he made a film accusing Islam of condoning violence against women.

© 2006


Amillennialist Contra Mundum: Because Allah and the false prophet require it

Robertson Finds Radical Muslims 'Satanic'

Television evangelist Pat Robertson said Monday on his live news-and- talk program "The 700 Club" that Islam is not a religion of peace, and that radical Muslims are "satanic."
Robertson's comments came after he watched a news story on his Christian Broadcasting Network about Muslim protests in Europe over the cartoon drawings of the Prophet Muhammad. He remarked that the outpouring of rage elicited by cartoons "just shows the kind of people we're dealing with. These people are crazed fanatics, and I want to say it now: I believe it's motivated by demonic power. It is satanic and it's time we recognize what we're dealing with."
Robertson also said that "the goal of Islam, ladies and gentlemen, whether you like it or not, is world domination."
In a statement later Monday, Robertson said he was referring specifically to terrorists who want to bomb innocent people as being motivated by Satan. In the news story, he noted, radical Muslims were shown screaming: "May Allah bomb you! May Osama Bin Laden bomb you!"
Angell Watts, a Robertson spokeswoman, said in a telephone interview that the news segment also included comments from a moderate Muslim in the United Kingdom saying radicals don't represent most Muslims in that country.
Robertson's Virginia Beach-based network did not include his remarks when it posted the program on its Web site, however. That decision was made out of concern Robertson's remarks could be misinterpreted if viewed out of context, Watts said.
Monday's comments were similar to remarks he made on his program in when he said Islam "is not a peaceful religion that wants to coexist. They want to coexist until they can control, dominate and then, if need be, destroy."
Robertson has come under intense criticism in recent months for comments suggesting that American agents should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for Israel's pullout from the Gaza Strip.
Robertson recently told ABC's "Good Morning America" that he comments off the cuff after watching news segments. He later told the Christian magazine World that he's being more careful and reviewing news stories before going on the air.
The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, called Robertson's new comments "grossly irresponsible."
"At a time when inter-religious tensions around the world are at an all-time high, Robertson seems determined to throw gasoline on the fire," Lynn said in a statement.
On the Net:
Christian Broadcasting Network:

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Links to other sites

Disclaimer: The following are links to other sites. We may not necessarily agree with all their content. A Christian but a very comprehensive sites on the web. There is a wealth of material on Islam and Quran. This is the mirror site of Answering Islam in UK.
Secularizing Islam by Ibn Warraq One of the best sites for liberal views on Islam. (highly recommended)
Prophet of Doom by Craig Winn by Robert Spencer
Loving a Muslim This site must be read by woman dating a Muslim.
Islamic Sharia Law
Muhammad's letter to the Julanda Brothers of Oman
Muhammad and Idolatry
The Historical Debate
Muslim tradition on Heraclius' response to Muhammad's invitation
About the death of Muhammad
The Satanic Verses
Muhammad's Suicide Attempts
God's Last Messenger (?) The Dr. Homa Darabi Foundation. Critiques of Islamic religious theology - including the hajj, jihad, apostates, hell and other concepts.
Documenting the Persecution of Christians in the Islamic World It links the persecution to Quran and teachings of Islam. An authoritative commentator on Middle East
Freethoughtmecca A satirical site on Islam.
Satyameva Jayate Good articles about the Prophet, women, terrorism, hell and other Islamic concepts.
The Islamic Monitor This site warns the west of Islamic expansionism and the threat that it represents for freedom of speech and Western values.
The Internet Islamic History Sourcebook A wide-ranging collection of links pertaining to the Koran and Islamic history.
The Treatment of Jews in Arab/Islamic Countries By Mitchell Bard
Islamaniacs Covers subjects like Islamic history, terrorism, totalitarianism, taboos, women and science
Denis Giron Giron is a freethinker and writes very well. His articles include science and Islam, Muhmmad's idea of hell, etc.
Taslima Nasrin's page Another apostate carrying a death sentence for standing for women's rights in her homeland Bangladesh.
Koran: Testimony of Antichrist a Christian site
New Secularism in the Arab World by Ghassan F. Abdullah It is wrongly assumed that there are few secular minded people within the Islamic world. Abdullah's article mentions many people and writings who dared to challenge Islam.
What is the Koran?" by Toby Lester Researchers with a variety of academic and theological interests are proposing controversial theories about the Koran and Islamic history, and are striving to reinterpret Islam for the modern world. This is, as one scholar puts it, a "sensitive business."
Jihad and Civilization - Part 1 (The Battle of Badr) Anwar Shaikh, an ex-Muslim, discusses the true meaning of Jihad (Jehad). Shaikh cites the battle of Badr between Muhammad's followers, and an army of Arab warriors there to protect a commercial caravan. For related material, see Shaik's book
Jehad By Anwar Shaikh
Negationism and the Muslim Conquests" by Francois Gautier Gautier discusses negationism, which he defines as "the denial of historical crimes against humanity", in Muslim-Hindu conflict. The article classifies the Muslim invasion of India as a Holocaust inflicted on the Hindu "infidels".
A Declaration of Women's Rights in Islamic Societies (1997)
Jeremiah McAuliffe & Abdul Saleeb- ( Muslim convert v.s. Caholic Convert)
The Debate Site Muslim/Christian debate
Light of Life Investigate Islam from Christian point of view
Islam: The Way, The Truth and The Light? Islamic studies in Christian Perspective
The Tougher Answers
Islam Review The Pen vs. the Sword
Islam Examined
Thinker's World By Mughal
The Peace Encyclopedia: A Jewish site on Islam A Bangladeshi site of freethinkers
Dhimmi: The minorities in Islam
Freedom Now World. An anti slavery site
Know Islam
Nonie Darvtsh
Middle-East-Info Advancing democracy, pluralism and mutual respect in the Middle East
10 Myths About Islam
Reality With Bite A campaign to fight the adoption of Sharia in Canada Defending Western Civilization
Atena Project - an Internet Information Bank on Islam fundamentalism with a special concern on Islam in European Union in Sweden a Swedish Forum Against Islamization Norwegian Blog with excellent articles about Islam from a Scandinavian perspective, in English Canadian conservative veiw Blog by an American ex-pat in Southeast Asia In English for Indian readers. English and Farsi